Active Monitoring
The aim of Active Monitoring is to monitor the DCIS closely. You will have a mammogram and a check-up with a clinician every six months. If no changes in the breast are seen, you will be able to stay on Active Monitoring and avoid surgery and its side-effects. If any changes in the breast are seen on a mammogram, they will be explained to you at your visit. The study doctor may recommend that you continue with Active Monitoring or have more tests, such as a biopsy, to investigate the changes. When you have the test results, you may be able to continue with Active Monitoring, or the results may indicate that you should undergo surgery and radiation therapy, if needed.

Whether you have Active Monitoring or Surgery, you may be offered endocrine therapy. Taking endocrine therapy is something to consider separately from your main treatment approach and participating in the COMET study. You can discuss it with your doctor.